Tuesday, November 10, 2009

KSCN lab Follow-Up

The nice orange-red colours are now a thing of the past.

A few helpful hints:
Carefully determine the initial concentrations of SCN- and Fe3+

The initial [Fe3+] for test tubes 2 to 5 requires the use of c1V1=c2V2 twice.

When the determination of Kc is done, the results may vary quite a bit.
Generally they are in the 100 to 300 range.

Complete the follow-up to this lab in a timely fashion. Sooner = better.

If you were absent for the lab - see me for some "results" that could be used to work through the various calculations.

Next up:
Solubility (Have you completed the introduction to solubility?)

Equilibrium: The Movie?

If the teeter-totter represents an llbm reaction, what would be its K value?

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